Municipal institutional capacity for the implementation of housing public policies, in the context of Metropolitan Regions in Brazil.

This study analyzes the administrative and organizational conditions of municipal public administrations related to housing policies in metropolitan regions in Brazil and how they relate to the provision of services and actions in the housing sector for the population. The data is compared with housing deficit data per Metropolitan Region to identify possible relationships between administrative and organizational conditions in the housing sector and variations in the housing deficit index of the surveyed metropolitan regions. The guiding hypothesis of this research is that better administrative and organizational elements within the housing sector of municipal public administrations can contribute to an improved delivery of municipal public services in the housing sector, consequently leading to a reduction in the housing deficit of cities. The findings suggest that the existence of a municipal housing agency contributes to the presence of other elements, such as the municipal housing council, municipal housing plan, and housing fund. Moreover, these elements are correlated with lower housing deficit indices in the investigated Metropolitan Regions.

ABULATIF, L. I.; OLIVEIRA, C. C. . Municipal institutional capacity for the implementation of housing public policies, in the context of Metropolitan Regions in Brazil. CITIES, v. 148, p. 104869, 2024.